Friday, August 24, 2007

One Week Post Op

Yay! Well today marked one week since my hysterectomy. I feel pretty good actually. I had my one-wk post op dr visit and they took out my staples. There were 20 of those little boogers they had to pull out. Wasn't painful to have them removed -- just a little sting. I'm glad to have them out -- altho they didn't really bug me when they were in, it just eases my mind that they're gone and my body can heal better now w/o any foreign bodies in it. :)

Doc also told me I could drive if I felt like it. I see her again in 4 wks.

Have had to take a few stool softeners. Kinda painful constipation, but other than that -- absolutely no complaints. Healing fast and getting better each day. YAHOO!


Anonymous said...

Are you drinking any prune juice to help with the consitpation or applesauce? That is what I'm hoping to use. My BMs are so difficult right now, there is no way I'll be able to do them after my H. unless I use something, I'm thinking.

zenwin said...

Hope: I'm going to get me some prune juice on Monday. Altho, I think I'll try that SunSweet PLUM juice (since it's the same thing) but it may taste a little better? I have bad childhood memories of prune juice, lol!